Do you want to be Inspired to Paint?

We want to inspire you to paint with these free instructional oil painting videos.  There is no obligation but if you like what you see and are inspired to paint, then please join us by signing up for either our ALL ACCESS PASS or our VIP PASS which gives you access to all our content.  We currently have over 100 instructional art videos showing you how to paint landscapes, still life, portraiture, and more. 

Watch the first 30 minutes of Elizabeth’s lesson on Painting Autumn Beauty Sunflowers for FREE.

No email required.  Just watch and be inspired to paint!

Watch these full length tutorials for FREE!

Painting Mississippi Reflections with Shanna Kunz

Painting the Color Yellow with Elizabeth Robbins

If you like what you see, we’d love to have you join us as either our


When you join Inspired to Paint as either a VIP or ALL ACCESS PASS MEMBER

you get access to all of our content.

Here are a few previews from our library of over 100 instructional oil painting videos

Enjoy these other free videos

Upgrade to either our VIP PASS or ALL ACCESS PASS and enjoy all we have to offer.

What do I get with the ALL ACCESS PASS?

Join our ALL ACCESS PASS and continue to be inspired with over 100 lessons on landscape, still life, and portraiture.

 Our all-access plan includes  full length videos, the concept lessons that teach individual skills and art technique, group critiques, art history, product reviews, tips and techniques and so much more.  We want you to feel like you have real teachers, not just videos!  Join over 275 students that are taking advantage of these lessons with absolutely no contract, no obligation, come and go as you please.   Be part of a wonderful art community and learn from two professional nationally known artists!    Each month you will be charged $39.00.   You can cancel anytime.  There is no contract. 

If you like what you see and want to be even more inspired to paint then upgrade to our

 ALL ACCESS PASS for only $10.00 for your first month.

Use coupon code UPGRADEVIP

Here’s what you get with the VIP PASS

Join our VIP PASS and continue to be inspired with over 100 lessons on landscape, still life, and portraiture.

  With our VIP PASS you can choose between 3, 6, or 12 month Membership.  This is a one time charge.  You will not be charged again after the conclusion of your Membership.  Your VIP PASS includes gives you access to everything we have to offer.  Full length videos, the concept lessons that teach individual skills and art technique, group critiques, art history, product reviews, tips and techniques and so much more.  We want you to feel like you have real teachers, not just videos!  Join over 275 students that are taking advantage of these lessons with absolutely no contract, no obligation, come and go as you please.   Be part of a wonderful art community and learn from two professional nationally known artists!   

3 month VIP PASS= $99.00.   save $18.00.

     6 month VIP PASS = $199.00 save $35.00.

 12 month VIP PASS = $399.00 save $68.00