If you would like to cancel or put your account on hold please log into your account. Click on “My Account” from the main menu. Click on “subscriptions”. Click on your subscription number and then click on “Cancel”. You can also change your payment method from this page. If you would ever like to come back, just log back in and go through the same steps but click on “Reactivate”
Hello, I’m trying to cancel my subscription. I follow steps that is pointed out but I dont see the button cancel. I see the blue button “change the subscription” and a slight corner of I guess the button that suppose to be “ cancel”. Please advise on what can be done about it,
Thank you.
Vera, I have cancelled your account but you still have access until the renewal date. we hope you were inspired to paint.
Hi. I have been inactive for several months but I am ready to start up again. Am I able to sign in and start up again? I don’t see where I can reactivate my account. Please help. Thank you